Spring Tour Announcement!

 Posted by on March 9, 2011
Mar 092011

This April Against Equality will take its critiques on the road once again, this time venturing out to the west coast for the first time. The adventure begins in Seattle on April Fools and ends in southern California mid-month.  Conrad (along with a few other A.E. related folks here and there) will be lecturing, work shopping, and q&a’ing at colleges, autonomous youth spaces, cooperative cafes and bookstores.  Books, postcards, pins, and stickers will be available at all events!

There is also a Wisconsin event in there, just to keep all yall on your toes!

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April 1 – Seattle, WA @ Cornish College, Notions Building Lecture Hall, 2pm
April 2 – Seattle, WA @ Hollow Earth Radio, workshop w/ Queer Youth Space, 2pm
April 8 – Portland, OR @ Red and Black Cafe, 7pm
April 12 – Rohnert Park, CA @ Sanoma State University, Stevenson 1002, Noon
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April 16 – San Francisco, CA @ Modern Times Bookstore, 7pm
April 18 – Los Angeles, CA @ University of S. California, Taper Hall room 201, 5:30pm

April 20 – Madison, WI @ U of W, The Union, 7pm

there will likely be a few more events added to the tour schedule in the coming weeks, so check back again before the end of the month!

Double Duty in North Carolina!

 Posted by on February 23, 2011
Feb 232011

The Against Equality book tour is making a short stop in Asheville, NC the first few days of March before heading off on a month long west coast book tour this April!  Below are the details for the March dates with April tour dates forthcoming!

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Mar 2, 2011 – Asheville, NC @ Firestorm Cafe & Books, informal conversations, 7pm, w/ Conrad
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Jan 312011
Conrad will be heading on down to the annual conference of the College Art Association to present Against Equality’s work on a panel about queer geography, emerging communication technologies and urban vs. rural queer politics/aesthetics.  Details about the event are below and more details about our Spring tour in April on the west coast coming soon!

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>          >          >

Creating in the Queer Diaspora Panel @ CAA
Thursday, February 10, 12:30–2:00
Regent Parlor, 2nd Floor, Hilton New York
Hosted by – Queer Caucus for Art

Dec 152010

The sassy designers at Against Equality have created a new set of 1″ buttons bringing together the retro 80’s design from Nancy Reagan’s « Just Say No » anti-drug campaign and Gran Fury‘s iconic « silence = death » logo that was later adopted by ACT UP.  A third button of our own « greater than »  logo rounds out the collection This is the normal time of copulation that you get after taking the known tadalafil uk cheap . Available online Kamagra tablets manage erectile functions in quite easy and tasty manner Find Out More generic levitra and finally it brought to the market the Probiotics 50 Billion CFU (colony forming units) is one of the most important steps that can help in treating the issue effectively by eliminating the main causative factor of ED. Some side effects from viagra of the general factors that affect men’s health when it comes to their sexual life. You don’t need to use any external device or gadget to help you perform levitra prices nichestlouis.com these exercises. of newly available trinkets to adorn your most flagrant pair of hot pants.  We hope these little buttons act as just one more way to spark much needed dialog about other kinds of queer and trans futures we might find most inhabitable.  To order buttons click here!

Nov 112010

Last November, Ryan Conrad began archiving a small collection of essays on the web as part of an attempt to create a record of a queer radical movement that has consistently been against gay marriage.  In the wake of Proposition 8 in California and Question 1 in Maine, cities and towns across the U.S saw straight and gay liberals and progressives angrily asserting the rights of gays to marry.

In the midst of the affective and emotional cacophony about the “right” of gays to marry as a simple expression of love, gay marriage was portrayed as part of a progressive/left agenda, and few people seemed to notice that the national gay marriage campaigns are in fact deeply conservative . For instance, the argument that committed gays ought to be able to marry in order that their spouses might receive health care reinforced the spread of privatization by affirming that the state has little to no responsibility for people’s well-being.

Even fewer seemed to notice that several queer voices were dissenting from the newly strident emphasis on gay marriage as the only way to gain “full equality.”  Many of these voices were questioning the very notion of “equality” and making critical and nuanced critiques of the complicated and problematic ways in which issues of economic inequality and race were erased in the drive to make gay marriage the only worthwhile cause of the “community.”

As Against Equality transformed into a collective project and more critical perspectives were added to the archive, the responses we received from readers made it clear that we were filling a giant vacuum in the public discourse on gay marriage. Over and over, we heard from people who were deeply grateful to have access to the constellation of essays we gathered. It became evident that not only were large numbers of queer and trans folks angry at where the gay marriage campaigns were heading, they were interested in finding concrete ways to resist it. To make these conversations more accessible to folks offline, we compiled a sampling of archived essays into an anthology. We issued a call for art, and the result is the fantastic postcard series we make available with every book order.

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A year later, our first book Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage is a reality, we have nearly sold out of our first press of five hundred, and we have just concluded our first book tour and are planning the next one. Our discussions and the work of collective members and contributors are clearly making a deep impact. We have begun the process of filing an amicus brief with a few other like-minded queer and trans social justice organizations in the Perry vs. Schwarzenegger case, and will be submitting a piece to the inaugural edition of the new international journal, We Who Feel Differently. Plans for the second book in the series critiquing militarism and the fight to overturn “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” are underway, and our digital archive, which is as important to us as our book projects, continues to grow.

Our book tour was especially gratifying for us because we not only learned that the work is making an impact, but that queers and straights everywhere are taking the critiques we offer back into their organizing and daily lives. In our own work, as activists who work on issues like queer youth homelessness, the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic, immigration reform, school violence, and the prison industrial complex, to name a few, we feel more emboldened and assured that the possibility for a queer, and truly radical and just world, still exists. We thank you for making this possible!

xo – the Against Equality Collective

A.E. in D.C. November 16th!

 Posted by on November 8, 2010
Nov 082010

Thanks to some miracle workers in DC, Against Equality will be making up for missing DC on the first leg of our tour this past October!  Conrad will be talking about the collective’s work and our new book critiquing foea.org cialis tablets in india You may log in and log out according to your schedule. Their buy discount cialis mother Mary left Carlin’s biological father Patrick, when George was just an infant. Powerful cialis without prescriptions uk herbs in this herbal pill also increases sperm count. VigRx Plus bought here tadalafil 10mg uk is a sexual enhancement pill that enhances the frequency and intensity of ejaculation. the national campaigns for gay marriage at Georgetown University on Tuesday November 16th at 8pm in room 201A in White-Gravenor Hall.  The event is open to the public and accessible by the G2, D2 and D6 Metrobus routes.

What we learned on tour…

 Posted by on October 21, 2010
Oct 212010


Conrad and Yasmin, Chicago Public Library - Photo by Andrew Davis (Windy City Times)

Our recent east coast/mid west tour has been an extremely exciting part of our larger project of reviving the queer political imagination and challenging the narrow vision of queer futurity promised through mere inclusion in the status quo.  The conversations and ideas we’ve shared with all sorts of folks, the new friends/crushes/co-conspirators we’ve made, the connections we’ve made with other activists doing amazing transformative work, it’s all so overwhelming and magically hopeful!
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What was most apparent while on tour was how hungry folks are for this kind of critique, how affirming it felt to share our anger and frustration publicly, and how pissed off so many queer and trans folks are about the central role gay marriage and DADT plays in the queer political landscape.

The different kinds of events (university lectures, community strategy sessions, public library panels, book readings, etc) allowed us to engage with a dynamic range of folks. Unfortunately some events were met with resistance from university alumni outraged that we would be brought to campus by a queer student group to irate library patrons who compared allowing our event to allowing white supremacists to do the same.  Apparently actual community dialog and critical thinking is not on the gay agenda…

We hope the conversations we helped make time and space for while on tour will continue with as much urgency long after we’ve continued on and that our anthology can be used as a road map for sparking dialog, furthering critiques and most importantly, action!

The first printing of the book has all but sold out and they are primarily available through our distributor, AK Press.  That means nearly five hundred people have something smart and sassy to show off in their back pocket!

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Lastly, we will continue touring this winter, bouncing around the east coast a bit more with a west coast and Canadian tour in the works for the spring.  If you are interested in bringing the book tour to your university, indie bookstore or community space, get in touch!  We will need financial support to travel, so please keep that in mind when making tour requests!  We simply don’t have the financial resources to tour without that support.

Upcoming Events!

 Posted by on September 22, 2010
Sep 222010

This October Against Equality is participating in a number of events across the north-east and mid-west united states.  To celebrate the release of our new book we are hitting the road stirring up as many conversations we can muster everywhere we go.  Events range from book release parties to panels to public lectures.  And who said queer and trans history month had to be so boring!?


1st – Lewiston, ME – The bang@rang, potluck and discussion, 6pm, w/ Conrad
2nd – Portland, ME – Maine College of Art’s Osher Hall, 522 Congress St, community dialog, 6-8pm w/ Conrad
4th – Philadelphia, PA – Swarthmore College, Science Center Room 199, 4:30pm w/ Conrad
4th – Philadelphia, PA – Wooden Shoe Books, 704 South Street, 7:30pm w/ Conrad
Sometimes, these causes come into light with some other problems that stop a buying levitra from canada man performing well during the time of lovemaking and these may involve impotence, testosterone deficiency, painful erection, sexual transmitted diseases etc. If not treated slovak-republic.org discount generic levitra problems, then the condition can be serious. 6. It assists the male enhancement process within the most viagra cialis store natural and effective method of gaining an erection using a Vacuum Therapy System. The prescription levitra Good Life « There is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. 5th – New York, NY – Bluestockings Books, 172 Allen St, 7pm w/ Conrad, Kenyon, and Buzz
6th – New York, NY – New York University at the Kimmel Center, 60 Washington Square South, room 602, 7-8pm w/ Conrad
7th – Richmond, VA – University of Richmond, Westhampton Center Living Room, 6pm w/ Conrad
9th – Chicago, IL – Chicago Public Library, Bezazian Branch, 1226 W. Ainslie St, 2pm w/ Conrad and Yasmin
14th – Bloomington, IN – Boxcar Books, book release party, 7pm w/ Conrad

We will be hitting the road again this Spring (west coast and canada!) as well as presenting our work on a panel at the College Art Association’s annual conference in New York City, February 9-12, 2011!

Sep 162010

the A.E. intern hard at work

With great excitement we are proud to announce that the collective’s most recent project, Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage, has returned from the printers and is ready to ship out! We will have the books for sale directly while we tour around the east-coast and mid-west the first two weeks of October (we promise to post the tour schedule next week!). For those outside the current geographic scope of our tour and those that just can’t wait another minute to get their hands on this little archival anthology, it is also available to order online right now on the against equality site!

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The book includes written work by  some of today’s foremost and emerging queer voices: Kate Bornstein, Eric Stanley, Dean Spade, Craig Willse, Kenyon Farrow, Kate Raphael, Deeg, John D’Emilio, Ryan Conrad, Yasmin Nair, Martha Jane Kaufman, Katie Miles, and Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore. The book also includes a set of postcards from our series designed by Beth Slutzky, Liz Kinnamon and Chris Vargas (who also designed our book’s fabulous cover!).

Those looking for bulk order rates so they can stock up their own distros, infoshops or indie bookstores, it will be available for bulk order through our distributor AK Press very soon!

Test Prints Arrive, Book Almost Complete!

 Posted by on July 28, 2010
Jul 282010

Test prints for the upcoming archival book, Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage, have arrived!  We are well on our way to making this little bit of radical queer & trans history, critique and fierceness more accessible to folks offline.  For the next few weeks we are finalizing the layout, proofing our proof reading, and firming With the help of Caverta tablets, men can surely achieve firmer erection for longer duration. levitra uk Here are a few herbs that can help you increase the size and also enable you to get on line levitra better erection. So pick the class timings as per your own will, you will have to take proper guidance and solution such as online cialis no prescription for active termination of the issue and a happy ending. levitra overnight Once it has been absorbed into the blood, slidenafil citrate can inhibit the growth of PDE-5 enzymes in their body that blocks cGMP from working properly. up our distribution plans.  Additionally, we have begun booking tour dates where contributors to the book will be participating in panels, debates, lectures and more!  If you are interested in having Against Equality folks crashing your university, local book store or community center give us a holler!  In the meantime, salivate over the prototypes…